Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Downlow men hiding their lifestyle

There is a huge group of gay men, or men who likes sleeping with other men, but do not consider themselves gay, that are sneaking around on their wives and making dates with other men in similar situations. Ladies, check his internet history, cell phones and whatever you can find. Women who suspects that their men are cheating are usually right.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Why are men afraid to be gay?

Instead of embracing it, they hide it and lead a false life. This is not good for everyone especially you. We meet them, we fall in love and maybe we will never find out, or maybe we will. In many society, it is not right for the man to be gay and have relationships. This is why so many of them hide it, it is disgusting and not natural. How is this supposed to be? BE yourself and love who you are and not hurt the people that are in it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to tell if he is gay or downlow

Can we as women really tell if our men are secretly having affairs with another man? Do we have reason to suspect? The thing is, men are not that good at hiding their deceit no matter how hard they try, we know how they are and their everyday routine, if something is not adding up, it would not hurt to try. This article was an eye-opener about what to look for and how you can take things from there.


Definition of Down-Low

When you hear the term "down-low" do you know what it means? People who often finds themselves with this slang are usually researching to find out if their husbands or boyfriends are sleeping with another man. That is what it means...your man is creeping with another man, how do you go about solving this problem?